Support On Your Journey
My specialty and passion is working with transgender and gender nonbinary individuals, with particular expertise working with children.
In working with my clients, I seek to provide them with a space of emotional safety and care. Aware that we each have our unique journeys, I believe that an accepting and empathetic ear can help in some of the tougher stretches. Whether you are in a place in your journey where extra support and guidance is needed, personally in the process of identity exploration and/or transition, or a parent desiring a safe and supportive space for your child or yourself, I believe I can be of service.
Areas of Specialty
I specialize in working with transgender and gender nonbinary children ages 2+, as well as transgender, gender nonbinary, and gender questioning adolescents and adults. Additional areas of focus in my practice include sexual identity, anxiety, depression, life transitions, pain management, religion, and spirituality.
CLICK HERE to learn more about my work with transgender children.
Check out Gender Camps for info on day camp programs for TGNB kids in the Los Angeles area.
I offer a number of informative clinical and educational trainings for individual practices, groups, organizations, and schools on gender diversity, as well as additional topics. Each of my trainings are thoughtfully developed and grounded in current clinical and scientific research, as well as my clinical experience.
Social Feed
Today, on the 25th anniversary of Trans Day of Remembrance, we take the time to remember and mourn those we have lost. In this time of uncertainty, it’s hard to know what the future will bring, but for anyone who is an ally to the trans community, this is a time to recommit to standing up for trans rights and showing up for the trans folks in your life.

It has been two weeks since the election and if you’re a parent of a transgender or nonbinary child, it’s natural to still be feeling worried. The future may seem uncertain, with unknowns about if and how quickly things might change. What’s clear, though, is your commitment to protecting your child. While changes may unfold over time, all we truly have is the present moment—and right now, you’re what your child needs.
Many parents have done their best to shield their children from the transphobic rhetoric and harmful messages of these last years and especially during this election season. One of the most common questions I receive is, “How can I talk to my child about what may happen as a result of this election?” Here are a few tips I shared with parents through my newsletter (you can read the full text at the link in my bio).

With Election Day tomorrow, we all are feeling uncertain and TGNB youth may be feeling especially anxious and unsure about the future. It’s important as a trusted adult in their life to give them space to talk about this anxiety and what fears they have. Help them to see they’re not alone and that there are so many people on their side.

A newly published study finds that there has been a 72% increase in suicide attempts by TGNB youth in states with anti-trans legislation, when compared to states without such legislation.
Although it may seem obvious that anti-trans legislation would have such life-threatening consequences, this study allows us to put tangible numbers to the effects of this legislation.
We can only hope this study will help in the fight against anti-trans legislation and push more states to join those who have adopted protections for the TGNB community, especially youth.

The start of the school year can be an anxiety-inducing time, especially for trans youth! Here are a few tips to help ease some of that anxiety.
Always remember to do only what feels comfortable for your child, as well as safe to do in your community. Even with a supportive home it can be super helpful and even crucial to find adults at school to support your child and who will fight for them.

Though Pride Month is almost over, there are still plenty of Pride events happening over the next two weekends! Use these resources to find events near you, including many that are family/kid friendly! Local bookstores and other community-focused businesses are also a great resource and often host or advertise Pride Month activities so be sure to check those out, too! 🌈🌈

With this ban going into effect, as @erininthemorning writes, “the United Kingdom now has some of the harshest policies targeting transgender youth of any liberal democracy in the world.” It’s hard to see news like this and not start to feel hopeless, however providers of trans healthcare and other groups in the UK do plan to try and challenge the ban. This includes the Good Law Project, who are currently raising funds in order to seek legal advice in challenging the ban. You can donate at:

Happy Pride 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
We take this time to celebrate and rejoice in the LGBTQ+ community! In the face of so much adversity, we celebrate those who continue to live their lives as their authentic selves (and recognize those who can’t be so visible) and we take this time to remember all those who have fought and continue to fight in the face of hatred!

According to the systematic review conducted by experts at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, regret after gender-affirming surgery is less than 1 percent, compared with the significantly higher rates of regret after various plastic surgeries and other major life decisions.
This review is not only the first of its kind, but it is a major step forward in providing evidence against one of the main arguments against gender-affirming surgery (and gender-affirming healthcare in general). It provides insight to all that goes into the decision around gender-affirming surgery and shows just how vital gender-affirming healthcare is!

This policy resolution from @apa_org is an important step to refute much of the misinformation around gender-affirming care, as well as to solidify the consensus that gender-affirming care is critical in the lives of TGNB folks!

We remember you as the bright light that you were, Nex. We know that light was extinguished much too soon as the result of the dehumanization and vilification of trans kids by those in positions of power.
This will very likely be an especially hard time for the TGNB youth in your life and we offer just a few ways you can show support for them, as well as continued actions to take in the wake of this tragedy. We will honor you, Nex, and help your light to shine on.

Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder uses its imagery and rhymes to encourage us all to remember that bodies look different ways! The bright and unique illustrations will draw you in and the rhymes throughout will be especially fun for young children! Without explicitly telling the reader to “love” their body, Bodies Are Cool manages to exemplify acceptance of our bodies, while also encouraging children to recognize that there are many different ways that bodies can exist and look. These differences are not only normal but cool! With the minimal text, Feder allows us to see, rather than simply tell us, that all bodies are worthy of existence.
The scenes throughout the book also depict various gender identities, expressions, and sexual orientations, illustrating another aspect of our “bodies.” Thus, Bodies Are Cool provides a way to talk about these things without being specifically about gender or sexuality. In addition to our bodies being cool, Feder also uses the illustrations to exemplify that other aspects of identity are also cool, and the book subtly encourages us to acknowledge that all identities are worthy of not only existence but joy.

As we begin a new year, where does legislation on trans rights and gender-affirming care stand? At the end of 2023, there was some good news as AB465 was vetoed by Gov. Evers in Wisconsin. On January 16th, the U.S. Supreme Court’s refusal to hear an Indiana public school district’s defense of their anti-trans bathroom policy also offered some hope. However, three weeks into the new year there is already the persistent introduction of anti-trans legislation in various states throughout the U.S. In this time we’ve also seen anti-trans bills, especially those relating to gender-affirming care, continue to be passed, like HB 68 in Ohio and HB619 in New Hampshire.
Even when we may feel disheartened by what seems like a continued onslaught of bills targeting the trans community, including those targeting trans youth and healthcare, we can also take solace in the fact that we are not in this fight alone and that there is always hope. Let that reignite us to continue the fight in 2024 to take a stand against anti-trans rhetoric and transphobic legislation.

Pink, Blue, and You! by Elise Gravel is a nonfiction picture book that introduces concepts around gender stereotypes and identity for elementary-aged kids (though it could also work for preschool, as the sentences are fairly simple and there are lots of pictures!). The book is a great way to get kids thinking and talking about gender, especially as they start to experience or notice these stereotypes themselves. The book has a series of questions for its readers, some more open-ended and some specific, but all that can start a conversation around what gender means and how society plays a role, including some fun facts about how perceptions of “acceptable” gender expressions have changed over time. The illustrations are diverse, representing various races, ethnicities, genders, and abilities. Overall, the book reinforces for young children the importance of embracing all the aspects of ourselves and others that make us unique, while providing a great jumping-off point for better understanding various aspects of gender.

Every year on November 20th we take the time to remember those in the trans community that have been lost to anti-trans violence. This is a time to honor their memories, as well as a time to remember how important it is to keep fighting - fighting for equal rights, protection, and justice. The trans community should not only be able to survive, but thrive in their lives without the fear of violence. We can all do our part to help in the fight against transphobia, stand up to transphobic rhetoric in our daily lives, and support trans folks!

Did you know that it is best to talk about all types of diversity in early childhood? Kids’ brains are the most expansive during these early years of development! The more kids are exposed to and directly guided by adults to learn and understand diversity the more pieces of human expression and experience their minds will hold as they grow!
To support gender diversity at school, it’s important to help all students navigate their questions around gender. These discussions around gender not only help children to understand their own and others’ genders better, but they also build confidence, self-efficacy, and empathy, as well as combatting gender bias as they grow up.
Talking about gender diversity in the classroom for all students also helps to increase the internal sense of safety and support for transgender and nonbinary students without singling them out.
Check out some of these great resources above to help support discussions around gender diversity at school. It may feel like there is more pushback than ever when it comes to being able to have these discussions in the classroom, but as long as you are a part of a school district where you can do so, they are worth having!

Had a wonderful weekend presenting on pain management strategies for TGNB youth and cisgender girls at @cpa_psych conference in San Diego with @drmelissajohnson_ifgd from @institute4girls 🌈🏳️⚧️💖

The new school year can be daunting, especially for TGNB students, and ensuring they have support in place, without making them feel “singled out,” is vital to helping them feel safe and enjoy their time in school.
We know that by the time kids are 5 they are beginning to show the same gender biases that adults have. Kids begin viewing certain genders and gender expressions as having more positive value than others. They are also beginning to apply these views to themselves.
Children who learn about gender diversity early on will experience more comfort with gender differences in themselves and others, and also experience less gender bias as they grow older. The more kids are exposed to and directly guided by adults to learn and understand diversity the more pieces of human expression and experience their minds will hold as they grow! Understanding and support for gender diversity helps all children, cisgender, transgender, and gender nonbinary alike!
Above are just a few ways to support gender diversity at school and in the classroom. Check out the resource on Supporting Gender Diversity in Early Childhood Learners at the link in my bio to read more!

Thank you @villagewellcc for having me this past Sunday! We had a wonderful reading of Every Body is a Rainbow 🌈💖📖

My previously scheduled reading at @villagewellcc, which had to be cancelled as a result of illness on my end, has been rescheduled!
Join me this upcoming Sunday at 11am for my reading of Every Body is a Rainbow!
This reading is meant for parents of cisgender, transgender, and gender nonbinary kids alike! I’ll provide practical guidance for discussing gender diversity and body inclusivity with young children.
Parents will learn:
🌈Ways to talk with their child about their body, including their private parts, in a way that creates awareness and body esteem!
🌈How to create awareness around bodies that are different from their child`s!
🌈How to foster a greater understanding and acceptance of gender diverse bodies with their child.
🌈How to explore gender identity with their child, as well as why it`s important.
Hope to see you there!

Disability Pride Month is a great time to celebrate the diverse disability community, as well as recognize that disabled people continue to be marginalized and many barriers still exist. It’s important to honor all kinds of disabilities and work with the disabled community leaders, activists, and members to understand the ways in which to best support their goals and combat ableism.

Door by Door: How Sarah McBride Became America`s First Openly Transgender Senator, written by Meeg Pincus and illustrated by Meridth McKean Gimbel, is the inspiring biography of a woman who yearned to help her community and those around her growing up and did just that when she became the highest-ranking openly transgender political official in the U.S. The story parallels the journey of Sarah`s interest in politics alongside her personal gender journey. Gimbel`s illustrations are a wonderful depiction of Sarah`s life and Pincus’ writing takes readers on parallel journeys of Sarah`s inner life around her gender and her political passion and ventures and the eventual integration of both these parts of herself. An inspirational figure for trans and cis children alike, encouraging everyone to embrace their true selves and follow their dreams, this picture book is great for ages 4-8 (though could surely be enjoyed by those younger or older). The book also includes a note at the end from Senator McBride herself, as well as a list of ways that cisgender people can be trans allies.

Happy Nonbinary Awareness Week and Nonbinary People’s Day!
There’s no one way to be nonbinary and we want to celebrate all nonbinary identities, you are valid and loved!

It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed and scared with all the news lately, and though there continues to be alarming rulings and laws put into place, it’s not all bad news. Even though sometimes it may feel like progress is going backward, there are still victories to be celebrated and news that gives us hope that we can and will fight against these oppressive laws.
In addition to those resources mentioned above, you can always look into local/state organizations that are fighting against anti-trans legislation to see what support they need or what actions they are taking, especially in those states that are having ongoing legal battles.

A spotlight on a few national and local youth-led organizations!
Pride Month may have come to an end, but it’s crucial to continue to support TGNB youth all year round, and these youth-led organizations are doing just that. These organizations are led by youth (many by TGNB youth!) who are working to make the world a better, safer place for them and their peers, ensuring that their voices are heard in the process. Youth are a vital part of our communities and it’s essential to support organizations that center their experiences!

It was such a pleasure to have the opportunity to chat with Marie Holmes for her @huffpost article on gender-creative parenting!
Providing children with the freedom to explore all types of expression without the limits of gendered expectations is vital. Marie’s article illuminates the ways in which parents are able to navigate this for themselves and their children during a heavily gendered time in a child’s life. Read the full article at (link is also in my bio!)

A victory for TGNB youth in Arkansas!
On Tuesday, June 20th, a federal judge in Arkansas deemed that the state’s law forbidding medical treatments for minors seeking gender-affirming care was unconstitutional and discriminatory. This is a momentous occasion for TGNB youth in Arkansas, and it provides a significant precedent for other laws in the U.S. banning gender-affirming care for minors to be challenged as well. As Rick Rojas and Emily Cochrane express in their @nytimes article, this ruling “deliver[s] a dose of certainty for transgender youth in Arkansas who had worried for nearly two years about losing access to puberty blockers and hormones.” We, like many others who have been fighting every day against the assault on trans rights, hope to continue to see these laws struck down as the wrongful and unjust attacks on the transgender community that they are.
You can read the article here:
![A victory for TGNB youth in Arkansas!
On Tuesday, June 20th, a federal judge in Arkansas deemed that the state’s law forbidding medical treatments for minors seeking gender-affirming care was unconstitutional and discriminatory. This is a momentous occasion for TGNB youth in Arkansas, and it provides a significant precedent for other laws in the U.S. banning gender-affirming care for minors to be challenged as well. As Rick Rojas and Emily Cochrane express in their @nytimes article, this ruling “deliver[s] a dose of certainty for transgender youth in Arkansas who had worried for nearly two years about losing access to puberty blockers and hormones.” We, like many others who have been fighting every day against the assault on trans rights, hope to continue to see these laws struck down as the wrongful and unjust attacks on the transgender community that they are.
You can read the article here:](
The We Are Little Feminists series of board books from @littlefeministbookclub is unlike any other I`ve encountered! I purchased the box set for my little one and was so impressed. This particular box set includes: Families, Hair, On-The-Go, How We Eat and Celebrations, all of which showcase a vast diverse representation of real families and children. Developmentally, when it comes to schema formation and raising inclusive, anti-bias little ones (who will then grow up into adults with much less bias), these are a game changer! They really represent the diverse world we live in, featuring actual pictures of diverse bodies, families, and cultures. The books are aimed at ages 0-5 and come with a question guide to help adults discuss diversity with children. According to the Little Feminist’s website, “only 13% of children’s books represent our diverse world” and thus identity-affirming board books like theirs are a must. You can read about their mission and check out these books and others at:

I’ve posted before about ways to support TGNB youth and wanted to share some additional, visible ways to show TGNB youth in your life and your community that you support them, during Pride Month and beyond!
Not only is it vital to support TGNB youth in your life by respecting and validating their gender identity, advocating for them, and providing them with essential resources, but it can also be indispensable for that support to extend beyond them. This shows TGNB youth you may not personally know that you support them, and also normalizes support for TGNB youth for the non-trans folks in your community.

It cannot be overstated the importance of community in these trying times. These are just a few examples of how the TGNB community has banned together during this current bout of anti-trans sentiment, as well as some of the trans activists and leaders who help to uplift the community and pave the way for ensuring rights. Despite everything, the anti-trans movement has done to try and quell the community, trans folks are still here, and will always be here. During Pride Month and always, if you’re an ally of the TGNB community, it’s important to elevate trans voices as much as possible and defer to those in the community to understand how to best stand up for and defend trans folks.

Praise For Dr. Caroline
Her presentation style is comfortable, clear, and lively. It was a pleasure for our members to learn from her…
She’s a trusted and supportive colleague as well as a skilled clinician who meets her clients with deep compassion and empathy.
My 7-year-old transgender son is now fully accepted for who he is and flourishing at a school whose students benefited from Dr. Carter’s trainings…
Dr. Carter provided both informative and engaging training on how to best support gender diverse students to our middle school faculty…
Caroline’s training was thorough, thoughtful, and her expertise deeply felt and appreciated…
We’ve had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Caroline Carter twice to the International School of Los Angeles. She was well-received each time for her clear and reassuring delivery, her in-depth understanding of the subject, its history, and its cultural context…