Every Body is a Rainbow

Every Body is a Rainbow: A Kid’s Guide to Bodies Across the Gender Spectrum AVAILABLE NOW!

Every child has an amazing body that is all their own! Each one is a unique shape, size, and color and has a unique mix of parts, identities, and expressions. Every Body is a Rainbow: A Kid’s Guide to Bodies Across the Gender Spectrum celebrates the vast rainbow of bodies and identities—from non-binary, to intersex, to multiple genders and expressions—and shows readers that everybody is beautifully diverse and has value. This book is for kids and families of ALL genders, abilities, and expressions who want to understand themselves and learn more about the amazing bodies across the gender spectrum!

For more info, please email info@rainbowkidspress.com


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“Caroline Carter’s Every Body is a Rainbow is a colorful and beautiful book designed to teach all children about the unique nature of not just their bodies, but the other important facets of gender. Finally, a book with clear and concise information about how our physical bodies do not lock us into expectations about gender, but rather empower us to feel exceptional, safe and whole.”

Johanna Olson-Kennedy, MD, Medical Director

The Center for Transyouth Health and Development

Children’s Hospital Los Angeles

Praise For Every Body is a Rainbow

I strongly feel that this book will save lives and recommend it to anyone looking for a book to discuss the diversity of bodies, gender identities, and gender expressions.


When your work involves reviewing children’s books, there are times when you come across a book so important that you can barely stand to wait and share it – this book is one of those books for me. As several states try to deny and penalize gender affirming care for young people, the message of this incredible book seems increasingly more important.


Every Body is a Rainbow is a powerful book that equips readers with knowledge about their growing bodies, gender identities, and expressions. It celebrates bodies of all types and teaches readers how to value and care for their unique bodies.


Every Body is a Rainbow: A Kids Guide to Bodies Across the Gender Spectrum… is quite possibly the most detail-oriented picture book about bodies and gender to date!


This affirming and all-gender-inclusive guide for young children combines an accurate but age-appropriate look at bodies with an explanation of various genders, gender expressions, pronouns, and more.


All youth will benefit from this book’s inclusive discussion of gender, anatomy, and abilities. A wonderful resource for families, educators, and healthcare providers.

Jessica M. Bernacki, PhD, Director of Behavioral Health / UCLA Gender Health Program

Finally! An informative and inclusive book where children may read about bodies like their own, as well as the expansive possibilities for others’ bodies. Colorfully addressing the intersectionalities of assigned sex, gender identity, and gender expression, this book is in and of itself a beautifully unique rainbow!

Darlene Tando, LCSW

Every Body is a Rainbow is a fun, educational encapsulation of gender identity and a gift to the gender community! Caroline Carter does a fantastic job integrating all aspects of children’s identities, while impressing upon us the beauty and uniqueness of gender. This is a one-of-a-kind book that is exquisitely thorough in illustrating how to speak to your child about gender and their “special rainbow body”. Parents, caregivers, teachers, therapists, and anyone with a young person in their life will want and benefit from a copy of this book!

Erin Norton, Psy.D., Co-Creator & Director of Gender Camps

What Makes Every Body is a Rainbow Unique

► This is a picture book for young children who are beginning to learn about their bodies. And for parents who want to provide their little ones with an inclusive understanding of the spectrum of bodies which are in our world.

► This is a book on gender that uniquely addresses the way our bodies also fit into the conversation about identity and expression. There is no other book out there like this!

► Written by a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and childhood gender specialist, the information in the book has been thoroughly researched and experts in the field have been consulted to ensure all children and all families can benefit from this holistic approach.

► The book is fully illustrated with gorgeous, colorful, and lush artwork from Mathias Ball, illustrator and trans-identified artist who brings their important artistic and personal touch. Young readers will absolutely delight in Mathias’s bold artwork, which contains unicorns, rainbows, and a full cast of diverse kids…just like them.

► Artwork also includes anatomically correct and labelled illustrations of genitals, including ones from intersex bodies, in order to discuss how bodies may or may not relate to gender.


Every Body is a Rainbow

By Caroline Carter, PsyD
Illustrated by Mathias Ball

A nonfiction picture book that celebrates the diversity of bodies, gender identities, and expressions. Every Body is a Rainbow offers a positive, inclusive, and factual approach for ALL families.


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Also available on Amazon starting May 2022.

A Word from Dr. Caroline

I began writing “Every Body is a Rainbow” in March 2020. The season of pandemic finally provided me with the space, and time for reflection necessary to create the book that I had been wanting and needing in my practice. Talking about bodies is a central part of my work with transgender, and gender nonbinary (TGNB) children. In my experience, though the distress many TGNB children experience around their bodies can decrease once they socially transition (i.e. start living their life as their true gender with the correct pronoun, possibly a new name and changes in personal expression), many can continue to have feelings of discomfort or even shame around their private parts. They may believe they are “not enough,” or “not really” their true gender as a result of these parts “not matching” the gender they feel inside. This makes sense in light of the cultural messaging children receive very early about their bodies and gender.

Western culture continues to conflate private parts and gender (e.g. “Boys” have penises and “girls” have vulvas). The majority of picture books on bodies and private parts available to young children confirm this. Picture books confirm this through the messaging (e.g. One has a “boy body” or a “girl body” and these are the parts that go with these bodies), but more significantly they confirm it through the imagery portrayed. Imagery has significant power in shaping children’s understanding of themselves during early childhood.

Every Body is a Rainbow seeks to provide children with a more inclusive and accurate understanding of the diversity of bodies and genders. It is also intentional in actively centralizing gender diverse identities and bodies in its imagery.

About Mathias Ball (He/They)

Inspired by animals, kinships, and with a drive to create a sense of comfort and belonging, Mathias Ball is a trans-identified illustrator who resides in a small Canadian town. Graduating from Sheridan College in 2020, their work has been published in places such as The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Walrus. If they aren’t illustrating, they’re likely off hanging out with their dog.

Find out more at mathiasball.com