About Me
My passion and specialty is working with transgender and gender nonbinary (TGNB) children ages 2+, with more focused expertise working with transfeminine youth ages 8–12. I also work consistently with TGNB teens and adults. My experience comes from thirteen years of work including training with the LA Gender Center (LAGC) from 2011-2020, as well as through ongoing clinical practice with transgender youth and families through my private practice in South Pasadena.
Over the years I have also provided clinical support to Transforming Family, a local family support group for families with gender diverse children. I have served as both the Siblings Group Leader and as a Clinical-Lead for the Parents of Pre-Adolescent Children Group. Transforming Family provides a wonderful community of support for families as they navigate their child’s gender journey.
In my clinical work with youth and families, I also collaborate closely with the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, as well as the Institute for Girls’ Development.
As a result of the need for more local summer camps for TGNB Youth, in collaboration with the Institute for Girls’ Development, I helped create Gender Camps. Gender Camps consists of two amazing day camps for TGNB youth. Click here to learn more.
In addition to my clinical work at the LA Gender Center, my time at LAGC also included the development of the Continuing Education Program including leading the process by which LAGC became accredited by the American Psychological Association as a Continuing Education Provider in 2014. I both led trainings and supported trainers as LAGC provided education to thousands of clinicians, educators, helping professionals, and families. Subjects included best practices with TGNB Clients, clinical work with transgender youth, and TGNB sensitive and competent mental health care. I continue to offer a number of informative trainings both locally and nationally. Click here to learn more about my Trainings.
In working with my clients, I take a relational and attachment-informed approach while also utilizing directive and nondirective play therapy techniques with children.
In an effort to support my clients around struggles related to pain management with injections and medical procedures, I have additionally undergone specialized training in the area of pediatric hypnosis. I hold strong experience as a group therapist as a result of my training during my pre-doctoral internship at the University of Kentucky, with a more focused emphasis on process groups from a Yalomian approach. My doctoral training and extensive experience also allow me to provide specialized support to cisgender youth and adults.
Additional areas I provide support and treatment around include:
Personal self-growth, life transitions, depression, anxiety, pain management, codependency, individuals partnered or related to someone struggling with addiction, religious and spiritual identity, LGBQIA identity, struggles related to Intersectionality for LGBQIA and TGNB Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), as well as LGBQIA and TGNB individuals who hold a Christian identity or come from a Christian upbringing.
Underneath my vocational “Psychologist” hat you will find: a cisgender, queer-femme, white, femxle identified (she/her/hers) individual who is also a parent, loves running, her cat, manatees, dancing to playlists, any burrito, all things creative, and going on traveling adventures with her family.
Experience & Credentials
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, PSY30377, California
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Azusa Pacific University
Masters in Clinical Psychology, Azusa Pacific University
Masters in Women’s Studies in Religion, Claremont Graduate University
Bachelors in Global Studies, Azusa Pacific University
WPATH Member
American Psychological Association
Society for the Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, APA-Division 44
ICDL DIR 101, Introduction to DIR & DIR Floortime Model- December 2020
ICDL DIR 201, Basic Certificate Course, Promoting Basic Functional Emotional Development
Pediatric Hypnosis
National Pediatric Hypnosis Training Institute, Fundamentals Training in Pediatric Hypnosis (Minneapolis September 2019)
Procedural Pain: Using Interactive Technology to Expand Our Reach and Impact
(with Jody Thomas, PhD)
Integrating Conversational Hypnosis into Clinical Encounters (with Robert Pendergrast, Jr., M., MPH, FAAP)
Post Doctoral
Psychological Assistant, Los Angeles Gender Center 2016-2018
Predoctoral Internship, University of Kentucky Counseling Center, Clinical & Assessment Clerkship (APA Approved)
Psychological Assistant & Assessment Clerkship, Los Angeles Gender Center
University Counseling Center, Azusa Pacific University
Community Counseling Center, Azusa Pacific University
Assessment Clerkship, Alhambra Unified School District
Carter, C., & Sobel, D., (2020) From Stress to Strength: A Group Intervention for Processing Minority Stress Experiences with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals. In Whitman, J.S., & Boyd, C. J. (Eds.) Homework assignments and handouts for LGBTQ+ clients: a mental health and counseling handbook. London: Routledge
Cathers, C. M., Carter, C., & Landon, S. (2017) Teaching LGBT issues in community settings. In T. R. Burnes & J. S. Stanley (Eds.), Teaching LGBT Psychology: Queering Innovative Pedagogy and Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
The Interplay of Gender Identity Development and Childhood God-Image Formation (Doctoral Dissertation)